Mikhail Saidov

Front-end developer with + years of experience

@mikhailsdv t.me/mikhailsdv hello@mishasaidov.com Almaty, Kazakhstan

About me

Software engineer with + years of experience in developing high‑performance progressive web application using React and Next.js. My forte is modern web development with a focus on design systems, responsiveness, architecture building, scaling and SEO.


  • • 🇷🇺 Russian — Native
  • • 🇬🇧 English — C1 (Advanced)

Soft skills 🍃

Time management, teamwork, ability to delegate processes, ability to accept feedback, just not an a$$hole.

Hard Skills 🏋

Click to the skill to expand sub‑skills

UI Frameworks
Code formatting


Oct 2023Present

Frontend Software Engineer at T‑Bank

The largest online bank in Russia.

  • • Designed and developed micro frontend architecture based on Webpack Module Federation.
  • • Built credit products for individuals and businesses from scratch. Facilitated tasks during architectural meetings, wrote technical specifications, testing requirements, and provided estimates.
  • • Improved products' observability and resilience: covered metrics, integrated Sentry, and set up alerts for service downtime. Researched Web Vitals metrics, analyzing the impact of FCP, LCP, CLS, and others on product performance.
  • • Created embedded SSO authorization forms for a seamless user experience, acting as the center of competence in this area.
  • • Enhanced DevEx: simplified tooling, automated application rollbacks via CI, developed custom eslint rules, and implemented Prettier.
  • • Delivered components, libraries, and development tools to own and adjacent teams.
  • • Developed a unified system for authorization of test users, which allowed to run integration tests both on the test and production environments.

Jul 2022Oct 2023

Senior Frontend Engineer at Marpla Group

Platform for SEO‑optimization of goods in the largest online stores.

  • • Developed the Wildberries search query analytics service from scratch in 3 months.
  • • Developed a chat‑bot based on ChatGPT for editing product descriptions via AI.
  • • Developed, typed and documented 30 UI‑components on top of Material UI.
  • • Built a Storybook with sample components.
  • • Interviewed developers. Developed algorithmic tasks and test tasks based on project requirements.
  • • Developed a browser extension with TypeScript for WB search results analytics.
  • • Supervised and code reviewed Middle‑ and Junior‑developers.

Oct 2020Jun 2022

Lead Frontend Engineer at Wildbox

Complex analytics platform for Wildberries sellers.

  • • Supervised a team of 3 frontend developers.
  • • Built SEO‑focused main page.
  • • Cooperated closely with the design team to build our own design system that is easy to develop and maintain.
  • • Conducted over 200 GitLab code reviews.
  • • Built and documented over 50 pixel‑perfect UI‑components on top of Material UI.
  • • Interviewed and hired developers. Developed the company's own systems of testing and evaluating candidates.
  • • Collaborated with the backend team in building truly backend‑for‑frontend API architecture.

Sep 2017Present

Frontend Software Developer at Testnik.kz

My own educational commercial website that helps students all over Kazakhstan to prepare for exams at collages and universities.

  • • Developed smooth, high‑performance SPA website based on React, Redux and React Router.
  • • Built REST API backend with PHP + Composer. Worked with authorization, database architecture and security.
  • • Developed own responsive design system over Material UI. Implemented a dark theme based on sass variables, adapting to device settings.
  • • Implemented Google Invisible reCAPTCHA for better user experience (no more hydrants and bicycles).
  • • Improved SEO (Google, Yandex), launched an advertisement (Facebook Ads) and set up analytics (Yandex.Metrika).
  • • Attracted 2000+ paying customers from all regions of Kazakhstan.

Jul 2018Nov 2019

Frontend engineer at Dzholda

The largest fast food company in Issyk, Kazakhstan.

  • • Built mobile‑first online store from scratch. Helped the company to take the first steps towards digitization.
  • • Automated the process of ordering and delivering food via Telegram bot. Learned more about the inner kitchen of food tech.
  • • Helped the company reach the mark of 100 online orders per day in the first 2 months.
  • • Improved SEO by prerendering page content with Next.js. Reached #1 on Google for “issyk food”.
  • • Designed a form style of the company.

Personal achievements 🏆

VTB Bank hackathon winner


In October 2022, I participated in a hackathon from VTB Bank on a web track as a front‑end developer. We developed a system to increase the involvement of employees in corporate activities. Our team took third place and a cash prize. Here is my winner certificate:

certificate vtb preview



As the one who really loves his job, sometimes I create noncommercial projects and web experiments. This is the best opportunity to gain skills and try new technologies because you have complete freedom.

Teaching English


In 2021, I worked as an English teacher at a local learning center for 6 months. I mainly taught students from level A1 to B2. The experience gained there not only improved my speaking skills, but also my ability to explain complex things in simple terms.

JavaScript Bot


Telegram‑bot that executes user‑provided JavaScript. The main achievement is the degree of safety. So far, no one has been able to hack it.